Let’s fight air pollution through education and advocacy!

Addressing air pollution: empowering change through education and advocacy.

With the support of UNICEF, a campaign has been implemented and we are advocating for a cleaner environment. The efforts and activities carried out during the campaign are described below:

  • Educational lectures in local schools to emphasize the importance of clean air as a basic human right.
  • Exhibition where influential photographs showing air pollution in Prizren were shown.
  • Cycling to advocate for reduced car traffic and improved air quality, and we are making efforts to create bicycle infrastructure.
  • Documentary screening followed by discussions to explore possible solutions.
  • Irregular air quality monitoring.

An online awareness campaign has also been launched using social networks and digital platforms to reach a wider audience and inspire action.

Our passion for nature and the environment has brought us here, and the impact we’re making is exciting. Education, advocacy and awareness – these are the pillars of our movement, the threads that weave together a symphony of change.
