World Meteorological Day

23 March 2023 (WMO) – World Meteorological Day 2023 takes the theme of the future of weather, climate and water across generations — urging us to live up to our responsibilities and ensure that future generations inherit a better tomorrow. 

It takes place during the 150th anniversary of WMO’s predecessor, the International Meteorological Organization. It highlights past achievements, present progress and future potential – from the late 19th century telegraphs and shipping forecasts to supercomputers and space technology. 

“The demand for our expertise and our science has never been higher. For the past 150 years, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services have collected and standardized data which underpin the weather forecasts we now take for granted. The history of WMO data exchange is a success story of scientific cooperation to save lives and livelihoods“, said WMO Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas. 

“Weather, climate and water know no national or political boundaries. The need for international cooperation has guided our work since 1873 and will continue to do so in future as we strive for a world which is more resilient to extreme weather, climate, water and other environmental events,” said Prof. Taalas.
