United Balkans for clean air

The regional campaign “United Balkans for clean air” is being conducted for the second year in a row, in order to raise awareness of the citizens of the region about the causes and consequences of pollution, possible ways to improve air quality, and commitment to a healthier environment through regional solidarity.

Coal burning is the largest individual source of air pollution in the Western Balkans with all the power plants it leads. The companies that run them, and the countries in the region do not abide by the laws. the same goes for large combustion plants.

Continued use of coal-fired power plants will make carbon neutrality impossible by 2050. In addition, the industry will face a financial decline if it fails to quickly adopt cleaner technology.We must act now, to stop using coal to have cleaner air.

There is no more v end for coal-fired power plants and polluting industries in the Western Balkans.
