Ditë e re dhe njohuri të reja!

Nxënësit e shkollës “Rasim Kiçina” në Drenas sot mësuan më shumë rreth mbrojtjes së mjedisit. Me ndihmën e ligjëruesve të angazhuar nga PEN nxënësit u ndërgjegjësuan më shumë rreth çështjeve mjedisore si ndotja e ajrit dhe e tokës, ngrohja globale, dhe ndryshimet klimatike. Community Development Fund – CDF Embassy of Sweden in Pristina HumanRightivism

KOSID opens the call for applications for experts in the field of journalism, law, and ecology

The recruited experts will be compiling a workshop booklet/manual on investigative environmental journalism, law implementation in the field of environment, human rights academic writing skills. For more information click on the link below.

The deadline for applications for the green ideas national competition in Kosovo is EXTENDED!

Aspiring green entrepreneurs in Kosovo still have the chance to apply until the 7th of May, while deadlines for applicants in #Albania and #Montenegro close on Friday this week. Hurry up and apply! Information for each country:🇦🇱 Albania: https://bit.ly/3cTlCuM – 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 (April 30, 2021)🇲🇪 Montenegro: https://bit.ly/3sUdHTe – 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 (April 30, 2021)🇽🇰 Kosovo: https://bit.ly/3djJLJY – 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒… Continue reading The deadline for applications for the green ideas national competition in Kosovo is EXTENDED!

Spasimo životnu sredinu!

Fond za razvoj zajednice, kroz projekat HumanRightivism danas je podržao ‘Alpski klub’ u sprovođenju treninga o zaštiti životne sredine. Tokom predavanja razgovarano je o svesti i radnjama koje treba preduzeti radi zaštite životne sredine. Community Development Fund – CDF Embassy of Sweden in Pristina HumanRightivism

Save the environment!

Community Development Fund through the project HumanRightivism today has supported the ‘Alpine Club’ in the implementation of training on environmental protection. Awareness was discussed during the lecture, and actions to be taken to protect the environment. Community Development Fund – CDF Embassy of Sweden in Pristina HumanRightivism

Ta ruajmë mjedisin

Community Development Fund përmes projektit HumanRightivism sot ka përkrahur ‘Klubin Alpin’ në zbatimin e trajnimit mbi mbrotjen e ambientit. Gjatë ligjeratës është disktuar vetëdijësimi dhe veprimet që duhen të merren në mbrotjen e ambientit. Community Development Fund – CDF Embassy of Sweden in Pristina HumanRightivism

Debate on Air Quality and Energy Transition

A live debate through CoopAIRation: Air Quality and Energy Transition in Kosovo and in Serbia debate #LIVE will be held today at 12h, where Rinora Gojani, Programmes and Operations Manager at BGF, will be one of the speakers. Air pollution has proven to be a massive problem and a shared challenge at the regional level… Continue reading Debate on Air Quality and Energy Transition

Community Development Fund – përmes projektit HumanRightivism sot shënoi Ditën e Tokës

Në shënimin e Ditës së Tokës, CDF ka mbështetur organizatat mjedisore ‘Ec Ma Ndryshe’ në Prizren dhe ‘Agricultural Recovery-REB’ nga Suhareka në zbatimin e aktiviteteve ambinetore. Qëllimi i këtyre aktiviteteve ishte ngritja e vetëdijes për mbrojtjen dhe përmirësimin e mjedisit. Community Development Fund- through the HumanRightivism project today marked Earth Day. In marking Earth Day,… Continue reading Community Development Fund – përmes projektit HumanRightivism sot shënoi Ditën e Tokës

Kurti: Treba napraviti zakonodavni paket za zaštitu životne sredine

Premijer Kosova Albin Kurti pridružio se kampanji „Reci ne plastičnim kesama“ i dobio je od udruženja „HANDIKOS“ štrajk za višekratnu upotrebu koji rade osobe sa invaliditetom. Na trgu “Skenderbeu” u Prištini, gde ljudi sa invaliditetom stoje da promovišu kampanju, Kurti je rekao da za te ljude postoji potreba za institucionalnom odgovornošću i socijalnom svešću, ali… Continue reading Kurti: Treba napraviti zakonodavni paket za zaštitu životne sredine

Kurti: A legislative package should be made for the protection of the environment

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti has joined the campaign “Say no to plastic bags” and has received from the association “HANDIKOS” reusable strike worked by people with disabilities. In “Skënderbeu” square in Prishtina, where people with disabilities are standing to promote the campaign, Kurti said that there is a need for institutional responsibility… Continue reading Kurti: A legislative package should be made for the protection of the environment