What are the basic characteristics of a project development?

Project development should be based on some key features that make a certain project successful. The content of the project, its organization and the methodology of its development and management are also important here. But what are the key characteristics or principles that a project developer and manager should follow? They ar

Involvement. Every citizen and every organization has the right to be involved and to contribute to improving the well-being of its citizens and its country.

Partnerships. NGOs should plan their work on the basis of cooperation with multiple stakeholders and in particular in cooperation and partnership with municipalities. The success of an NGO and a project depends very much on the degree of cooperation with various partners involved in the protection and advancement of the environment.

Applicability. Each NGO, when I start to develop a project, must carefully analyze what will be the content of the project, what will be the achieved results of the project, what will be the benefit of the citizens and the NGO itself, who should include it in its work, to assess precisely how feasible the project for the protection and improvement of the environment will be.

Promotions. NGOs should be interested in informing the various stakeholders that they are doing valuable work in the public interest. Measuring municipal performance and measuring citizen satisfaction can be used as an important tool to convince local and central institutions, as well as stakeholders and citizens, that certain NGOs are doing good work in the interest of citizens. .

Effectiveness. One of the main principles of the success of an NGO and a project is to understand that the results achieved (work product) are in full compliance with the requirements of citizens and the objectives of the relevant NGO. The answer to the question “are we doing the right thing” best clarifies the definition of effectiveness. If we are doing the right thing, in the right orientation and at the right time, then we can say that we are effective.

Efficiency. Efficiency is the process or scale that indicates that services are provided on demand and with minimal resource costs. The answer to the question, “Are we doing the right thing with the right tools” best explains the definition of efficiency. If we are doing the right thing and with the right (rational) resources, then we are efficient.

Quality. NGOs should aim, in addition to providing abundant services, to provide the highest quality services. Quality service delivery is highly correlated with the degree of financial, human and technical resources. Today in the world the quality of services is being endangered in favor of spending cuts. However, a service is quality when it meets the requirements and expectations of consumers or citizens, without violating legal provisions and without harming the living environment.

Security / durability. Changes bring instability and uncertainty. Changes need to be managed to ensure sustainability. Political, economic, etc. changes should not be allowed. create an unstable environment for NGOs and project implementation! We certainly mean the overall health of the organization and the work environment for its employees. The healthier the environment of an organization or institution the safer it is for its people and vice versa.

Success. Each NGO and each person, with their own work, aims to be successful! Success is the achievement of the planned results of your work. Success is the basic condition for the existence of an organization, so to exist you must be successful. To be successful you need to implement and develop your work projects professionally.
